Congrats to the June Ultimate Fit Runner of the Month, Kim Wolf! Kim lives in Newburgh and has a great boyfriend who is very supportive of her. She is a mother of one son who is 24. She works at a local construction company now going on 11 years. She is originally from from Olney, IL and moved over here for her job and has been here ever since. Her and Paul love to vacation at the beaches or places they have never been. One of the good things about kids growing up and moving out you can pretty much go when, where, and however long you want to be gone if you can!
Here is more on Kim: What motivates you to run/walk? I have always enjoyed walking, but running is something I just picked up about 4/5 years ago. It is a great stress reliever. How many races have you participated in? Too many to count. We try to do as many as we can. Every weekend if there are available during the month. What age did you start running/walking for fun & competitively? Age really isn’t a factor on when anyone starts. It is the fact one gets out there and gets it done. But I was 50 when I started to run. Favorite place to run/walk? Anywhere is fine with me. Of course some courses are better than others, but as long as I can start and finish on my own two feet. I really don’t care where the course is. Favorite local race? I really enjoy all the races, really hard to pinpoint my favorite. Favorite race outside of the Tri-State? I have only done one out of the Tri-State area and that was a couple years ago up in Indianapolis. The Hot Chocolate run. Farthest you have traveled to do a race? 3 hours to Indianapolis. We need to change that though. ☺ Favorite race distance? At first I was stuck on just doing the 5ks, but then I was told to try a further distance. So now I go for any of the longer runs that are available. I did my first ½ marathon last year on my 55th birthday. It was a big accomplishment. Favorite race memory? It would have to be the very first one. Just getting out there and doing. Being old and out of shape, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Glad I did it though. Funniest race memory? I would say seeing anyone dress up in costumes for the holiday races. You just never know what people are going to be dressed as. Craziest thing you saw at or during a race? Can’t really say I have seen anything crazy just yet, except for getting a lot of snow in a short period of time at the Hot Chocolate race in Indianapolis. Unexpected snow storm hitting the area. Caught everyone off guard. Favorite pre & post-race meal/drink? I don’t really have a favorite. I just grab something light and then eat an apple or banana after the race. Then home to shower and find real food to replinsh. What is your favorite brand of running shoe? I got really hooked on the Skechers Performance, but our local shoe store no longer carries them. So now I am wearing Hokas Bondi. They seem to be pretty good. How many miles do you run/walk a week? I try to walk as much as possible during the week, I have 1 hour lunch and work downtown by the riverfront, so a couple of co-workers and I will be able to get 2 miles in each day that we can. Then I run whatever race is happening during the weekend. Sunday is a day of rest to gear up for the next week. What are your future goals for running/walking? My goal is always to do better than the last time I did that race. So far I have done pretty well at meeting that goal. One race (Victoria was only better by 3 seconds, but it stilled made me happy). Favorite time of day to run? Early morning when it is cooler. The heat zaps the energy right out of me. Favorite weather to run in? Cooler weather. Like 50’s or so. Higher temps aren’t so bad as long as the sun is beating down on me. Music or no music? Music of course. I have to keep focused on something to sing along to. It also helps motivate me when a great Rock song comes on.
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