Congrats to the January Ultimate Fit Runner of the Month, Delia Flores King! She is from Philadelphia, PA. and moved to Evansville in 2000 after getting out of the Marine Corps. She has an 18 yr daughter who attends IUPUI and a 5 yr old daughter with special needs. She has been married for 5 years and currently works for the federal government. Here is a little more about Delia:
**What motivates you to run/walk? Today, I run for my own health, friends, and I love to eat. Oh and I also solve all the worlds problems. **How many races have you participated in? Oh gosh! Under my belt I have 3 full marathons, a dozen plus half marathons and countless 5K’s **What age did you start running/walking for fun & competitively? I started running in 2008. I was 34yrs old. Someone I knew said they had ran a half marathon. At the time I had no clue how many miles that was and thought to myself “self, if she can do then you definitely can do it”. There the fire was lit. **Favorite place to run/walk? It doesn’t matter. Wherever my friends are as long as it’s in the streets. Hate trails. **Favorite local race? Evansville Half Marathon. **Favorite race outside of the Tri-State? Marine Corps Marathon. You can just inhale the patriotism throughout the race. Tears were brought to my eyes when I saw the Marines in their dress blues on their horses or when I saw and heard Air Force One fly over me or when the runner in front of me had prosthetic legs and wore a shirt that said “fully equipped-assembly required”. Those are just a few moments. **Farthest you have traveled to do a race? Washington DC ** Favorite race distance? Half Marathon **Favorite race memory? My favorite memory was running 2017 Evansville’s Half Marathon as a 2:30 pacer. **Funniest race memory? 2016 Evansville Half Marathon I picked up my friend (whom I had been badgering for yrs to run) from her house. When arrived at the race and she got out of the car and walked over to my side I looked at her feet and she wasn’t wearing her running sneakers. She was wearing sneakers that were flat w no soles. All I could say “BLANK (leaving her name anonymous) WHERE ARE YOUR SNEAKERS?!?!” Oh my! Her 1st half. She was in pain for days. Needless to say that was her last. It wasn’t funny then but it definitely is today. **Craziest thing you saw at or during a race? I saw a barefooted man run a full marathon **Favorite pre & post-race meal/drink? Pre race meal is Pizza or chicken alfredo. Post race is coffee and a turkey burger w fries **What is your favorite brand of running shoe? I used to wear Asics or Muzuno. Last yr I went to Ultimate Fit to try on Brooks Glycerin. I tried on some Adidas Boost and have been in love ever since. My last pair are the Ultra Boost and they are heaven. Adidas=️️️. Thank you Ultimate Fit **How many miles do you run/walk a week? Depends on what I’m training for. Typically anywhere from 15-20 miles **What are your future goals for running/walking? I hope to run a sub 2 half marathon and beat Oprah’s marathon time 4:29:15 **Favorite time of day to run? Early morning. Preferably 5am **Favorite weather to run in? Winter. 30’s and 40’s **Music or no music? No music. I like to hear the pounding of my feet. Besides, music would only impair my judgements when solving the worlds problems.
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